Real Estate Salaries

It is very interesting to compare salaries among different jobs, how people get paid and how much they are getting paid. When thinking of a person who sells real estate, it may be shocking to know that the average real estate sales agent in 2006 made $35,715 base salary. With the way real estate agents get paid though, this is only their initial income as they also get paid on commission. The percentage the sales agent makes ranges on which company they are working for, whether they are private or public. It also depends on how many years the sales agent has been working. The longer someone has been in the business, the more they make.

Looking more broadly at real estate employee salaries, they can range greatly based on what you do specifically in the industry. Median salaries generally are at the following for these jobs. Residential Property Manager- $65,000; Residential Real Estate Agent- $54,000; Financial Analyst in a Real Estate Company- $60,000; Project Manager- $90,000; Mortgage Lender- $110,000. Clearly it makes a difference as to what role you play in real estate. Commission will also not affect all of these jobs as they are not all directly related to the sell. The actual agent will be the one getting that additional compensation.

By: Kelsey Hoffman


Real Estate Market Trends Don’t Matter Anymore

This has been “conference” month, and we have attended our share of the retrospectives/prospectives of the economy and the real estate market, both nationally and locally. Most prominent of those conclaves was the Urban Land Institute’s national conference in San Francisco, which was held in early November. It was followed by a local version, called the Trends event, focusing mostly on San Diego.

The idea that trends matter is wrong. These conclaves ought to be titled Apocalypse Now. The nature of the economic beast attacking us requires serious thinking about real change. Not enough of that is going around.

The general consensus from each of the events is that we are in the midst of a long, slow recovery period. So, the message is to attempt to Thrive in Turbulent Times, the subtitle of the local ULI Trends conference.

Not all agree that is possible. “Thriving might be too strong a term,” suggested development consultant David Malmuth. “Maybe the better approach is adapting or surviving.”

Malmuth is correct. There is no point in mincing words. The economy and the real estate market have been in descent for four years, and there is every sign this will last for a couple more. Job losses and unemployment remain high. Discretionary spending is weak.

Posted by: Kelsey Hoffman

Real Estate Buying Online

Posted By, Meredith Anderson

Visitors to Can Now View the Constant Flow of Deals, Property Searches and Listing Updates Occurring Throughout the U.S. Market
November 30, 2009: 04:23 PM ET

BETHESDA, Md., Nov. 30, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CoStar Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:CSGP), the number one provider of information, marketing and analytic services to the commercial real estate industry, today announced that, for the first time ever, online viewers can watch the constant flow of activity occurring throughout the commercial real estate industry on CoStar's website at

The unique visual display captures the hundreds of thousands of listing updates, reported lease and sales transactions, and property searches taking place in CoStar's comprehensive database of commercial real estate information every day, showing where the activity is occurring as it happens.

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